Time to Xpand

Welcome to Xpand Sales! I’m Jaouad Lachkar, your reliable partner in sales optimization. Whether you’re a growth-oriented startup, a scale-up, or a corporate entity aiming to efficiently achieve your sales objectives, Xpand Sales is here to address all your sales challenges.

At Xpand Sales, I provide solutions on a freelance/interim basis, allowing me to flexibly cater to the unique needs of your organization. With over 10 years of experience in diverse sales roles at leading organizations, ranging from new business development and account and partner management to sales management, Xpand Sales possesses the expertise to surpass your sales expectations by boosting growth and consistency.

My personalized approach and proven strategies can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of your organization or team. Are you ready to elevate your sales activities to the next level, without complications? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Time to Xpand /

Time to Grow /

Time to Succeed /

Time to Rise /

Time to Xpand /

Time to Grow /

Time to Succeed /

Time to Rise /

Our latest cases


At Otentica, we were looking for an independent sales professional who could operate from A to Z. Jaouad from Xpand Sales not only increased our deals but also optimized our entire sales process.

Francis van Rooij - Co-Founder
MSI Consultants

Jaouad is a sympathetic and enthusiastic person. He is a highly skilled salesperson, highly committed and focused on adding value to his customers.

Joelle Boersma - Co-Founder